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January 7, 2015
Welcome to the first Ojai Tennis Tournament E-newsletter. We are less than 115 days away from the 115th annual event set for April 22-26. Here are a couple of quick notes and reminders:
Advertise in the 2015 Ojai Program
There is still time to advertise in the 115th annual Ojai Tennis Tournament program. Please email to reserve your space.
The rates are as follows:
Full page = $400; Half page = $275; Quarter Page = $200; business card = $100
Stan Smith To Be Honored
Former USC All-American and world No. 1 player Stan Smith, shown after winning Ojai in 1965 at left, will be the honored guest this year at The Ojai.
Smith will be the featured guest at the Thursday night BBQ and a special fundraising wine reception and dinner will be held in his honor on Friday night.
There are still a few remaining sponsorship opportunities for the dinner, and more information about tickets will be released soon.
Smith currently runs his own junior tennis academy in Hilton Head Island, S.C.
Wall of Fame Names Added
Four new names will be added to the Wall of Fame in a special ceremony to take place at a time and date to be determined.
The names include Art Larsen (1950 US Open Men’s Singles); former Cal great Matt Lucena (1995 US Open Mixed Doubles); former Stanford standout Scott Lipsky (2011 French Open Mixed Doubles) and former UCLA All-American Jean-Julien Rojer (2014 French Open Mixed Doubles).
Want to Cover The Ojai?
If you are a media member and want to cover The Ojai, visit the website at and go to the MEDIA tab, COVERING THE EVENT.
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